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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Manage properties

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In Lumada Data Catalog, you can create custom properties that collect additional metadata about resources specific to your business environment or engagement. Custom properties are user-defined metadata fields that you can add to catalog assets to provide additional context and information beyond what is already captured in the system-provided metadata.

Data Catalog supports collecting additional metadata information by creating custom properties for fields, terms, structured resources, and unstructured resources. You can apply custom properties to data sources and business terms. For example, you can define a custom property to include a business username for a data resource. Alternatively, you can define a property that includes values that are used by system-level processes.

You can group the custom properties together in custom property groups based on their business value or category and move the properties individually or in bulk across custom property groups.

You can manage custom properties and property groups from the Properties page. To access this page, click Management in the left navigation menu, and then click View Properties.

Manage custom properties

The Custom Properties tab displays by default when you access the Properties page. This page displays the details of all existing custom properties in tabular format. By default, custom properties belonging to all the property groups are displayed. To view the custom property details for a particular property group, select that property group name from the Group list box. The custom property table will display only the custom property details belonging to the selected property group. You can perform the following operations from the Custom Properties tab:

Adding custom properties

You can add custom properties that collect metadata about business environment resources. For example, you can define a custom property to include a business username for a data resource, or you can define a property that includes values used by system-level processes. You can associate custom properties with fields, business terms, structured resources, and unstructured resources.

The procedure of adding a custom property for an unstructured resource is different from the procedure of adding a custom property for fields, business terms, structured resources. Choose the appropriate topic for your needs:

Add a custom property for a structured resource

Documents with a specific organization and format (like .csv, HTML, XML) are referred to as structured resources. You can create custom properties to collect the metadata of these structured documents and can associate them with fields, business terms, or structured resources.

Perform the following steps to create a custom property for structured document, fields, and business terms:


  1. Click Management in the left navigation menu.

    The Manage Your Environment page opens.
  2. Click Custom Properties from the Properties card.

    The Properties page opens with the existing custom properties listed in a tabular format.
  3. Click Add New. The Add Custom Property page opens.

  4. Enter the following details in the Add Custom Property page:


    Display Name

    Name for the custom property that users see in the resource view. Display name must begin with an alphabetic character and can include the following:

    • Alphanumeric characters
    • Special characters
    • Hyphens
    • Underscores

    Property Name

    Required field name that uniquely identifies the property to store internally. A property name can include the following:

    • Alphanumeric characters
    • Hyphens
    • Underscores

    Property Name field. doesn't support blank spaces or special characters.


    Description of how the property is used and what values it can hold. This field is not included in metadata processing.


    Define the resources for property execution. Select the Fields, Business Terms, or Structured Resources check box. You can select multiple options for scope.

    Value Type

    Define the value type. Allowed value types are:

    • User Entered - Type defined by the user.
    • Predefined - Value type defined in the Data Catalog library.

    Data Type

    Define the data type. Allowed data types are:

    • Numeric
    • String (Default value)
    • Date
    • Username

    Available Values

    This field appears if you select Predefined as the Value Type. Define the comma-separated values based on the data type selection. When a property is associated with a resource, the user can choose from these values.

    Value Required

    If you select this check box, you must enter a value in the Default Value field.

    Supports Multiple Value

    If you select this check box, you can enter multiple values in the Default Value field.

    Default Value

    A pre-existing value to display when no specific value is explicitly defined for the property.

    Add to Group

    Select a property group from the list box to assign the custom property to a property group.

    Write Roles

    Select the user access level allowed to write the custom property. You can select multiple roles.

    Read Roles

    Select the user access level allowed to read the custom property. You can select multiple roles.


    Select the check box to make the custom property searchable. The resources that have a defined value for this property appear in the search results for this property value.

    For example, if resource R has the defined value "Red" for the searchable custom property "Color", a search for "Red" lists resource R in the search results. If "Color" is not marked as searchable, the resource R does not appear in the search results for "Red."


    Select the check box to make the custom property facetable. If you choose to make this property a facet, then based on the search dimension settings for a user, it shows as a facet in the search results to narrow the results list for this property.

    NoteIf a property is marked as Facetable but not Searchable, the facetable definition takes precedence, and the property appears in the facets of the search results. You can change the searchable and facetable values during the entire life cycle of the custom property.
  5. Click Create Property.


A background job is triggered, and the custom property is associated with all the assets mentioned in the scope.

Add a custom property for an unstructured resource

Documents without any defined structure are referred to as unstructured resources in Data Catalog. A few examples of unstructured documents are PDF (.pdf), Excel (.xls and .xlsx), PowerPoint (.ppt and .pptx), Rich Text Format (.rtf), Word (.doc and .docx), Text (.txt). You can create custom properties to collect the metadata of these unstructured documents and can map in Data Catalog.

Perform the following steps to create a custom property to collect the metadata of an unstructured document:


  1. Click Management in the left navigation menu.

    The Manage Your Environment page opens.
  2. Click Custom Properties from the Properties card.

    The Properties page opens with the existing custom properties listed in a tabular format.
  3. Click Add New. The Add Custom Property page opens.

  4. Enter the following information in the Add Custom Property page:


    Display Name

    A name for the custom property that users see in the resource view. A display name must begin with an alphabetic character and can include the following:

    • Alphanumeric characters
    • Special characters
    • Hyphens
    • Underscores

    Property Name

    Required field name that uniquely identifies the property to store internally. A property name can include the following:

    • Alphanumeric characters
    • Hyphens
    • Underscores
    NoteData Catalog does not support spaces or special characters in the Property Name field.


    A brief description of how the property is used and what values it can hold. This field is not included in metadata processing.


    Define the resources for property execution. Select the Unstructured Resources check box to add a custom property for a structured resource.
    NoteYou can select multiple scopes if Map is not selected as the value type.

    Value Type

    Allowed value types are:

    • User Entered - Default value. A type defined by the user.
    • Predefined - a value type defined in the Data Catalog library.
    • Map - This value type is available only when the Unstructured Resources is selected as the Scope.
    If Map is selected the value type

    If you select Map as the value type, then enter the information in the following fields:

    • Document Property Name - This mandatory field appears only when Map is selected as value type. Specify the document property name. The value of this field will be shown as custom property in the documents that you want to associate. This field cannot be repeated in multiple custom properties. A document property can be mapped to only one custom property.
    • Read Roles - Select the user access level allowed to read the custom property.
    • Searchable - Select the check box to make the custom property searchable.
    • Facetable - Select the check box to make the custom property facetable.
    If User Entered or Predefined is selected as the value type

    If you select User Entered or Predefined as the value type, then enter the information in the following fields:

    • Data Type - Define the data type. Allowed data types are:
      • Numeric
      • String (Default value)
      • Date
      • Username
    • Available Values - This field appears if you select Predefined as the Value Type. Define the comma-separated values based on the data type selection. A user can choose these when they add a property to a resource.

    • Value Required - If you select this check, you must enter a value in the Default Value field.
    • Support Multiple Value - If you select this check box, you can enter multiple values.
    • Default Value - A pre-existing value to display when no specific value is explicitly defined for the property.
    • Add to Group - Select one of the existing property groups from the list to assign the custom property to a property group.
    • Write Roles - Select the user access level allowed to write the custom property.
    • Read Roles - Select the user access level allowed to read the custom property.
    • Searchable - Select the check box to make the custom property searchable.
    • Facetable - Select the check box to make the custom property facetable.
  5. Click Create Property.


A background job is triggered, and the custom property is associated with all the assets mentioned in the scope.

Edit a custom property

You can edit a custom property by performing the following steps.


  1. Click Management in the left navigation menu.

    The Manage Your Environment page opens.
  2. Click Custom Properties from the Properties card.

    The Properties page opens with the existing custom properties listed in a tabular format.
  3. Click the View Details (greater-than sign) icon at the end of the row of the custom property you want to edit. The Custom Property Details page opens.

  4. Edit the information you want to change. You can modify only the editable fields values.

  5. Click Save Property to save the changes.


A background job is triggered, and the custom property is updated with the modified values.

Remove a custom property

You can remove a custom property by performing the following steps.


  1. Click Management in the left navigation menu.

    The Manage Your Environment page opens.
  2. Click Custom Properties from the Properties card.

    The Properties page opens with the existing custom properties listed in a tabular format.
  3. Select the check box next to the custom property you want to delete and click Remove at the bottom of the page.

    The Delete properties page opens.
  4. Type Yes in the Please Confirm text box and click Confirm.

    NoteThe Please Confirm text box is case sensitive, and you must enter Yes to make the Confirm button active.


The custom property is removed, and all the resource and business term associations are also removed.

Manage property groups

You can group the custom properties in a custom property group based on their business value or category. You can move custom properties individually or in bulk across custom property groups. You can use these custom property groups as custom facets in the search results with search dimensions. However, you cannot create a custom property group within another custom property group.

You can manage property groups from the Properties page. The Property Groups tab of the Properties page displays the details for all the existing custom property groups in tabular format. You can perform the following operations from the Property Groups tab:

Add a property group

Perform the following steps to add a property group:


  1. Click Management in the left navigation menu.

    The Manage Your Environment page opens.
  2. Click Property Groups from the Properties card.

    The Property Groups page opens with the existing property groups listed in a tabular format.
  3. Click Add New.

    The Add Property Group page opens.
  4. Enter the following information in the Add Property Group page:


    Group Display Name

    Enter a name to be displayed for the property group.

    Group Name

    Enter a name for the property group. A name must start with an alphanumeric character, and can include the following:
    • Alphanumeric characters
    • Digits 0 to 9
    • Hyphen (-)
    • Underscore (_)
    NoteData Catalog does not support spaces or special characters in the Group Name field. Also, ensure that the name strings do not match any Data Catalog reserved names Data Catalog reserved names.


    Provide a description for the property.

  5. Click Add Property, select the custom properties to assign to this property group, and then click Assign.

  6. Click Create Property Group to create the property group.


A property group is created.

Edit a property group

You can edit an existing property group by performing the following steps.


  1. Click Management in the left navigation menu.

    The Manage Your Environment page opens.
  2. Click Property Groups from the Properties card.

    The Property Groups page opens with the existing property groups listed in a tabular format.
  3. Click the View Details (greater-than sign) icon at the end of the property group row you want to edit.

    The Property Group Details page opens.
  4. Edit the information. You cannot edit the Group Name field value.

  5. Click Save Property Group to save the changes.


The property group is modified.

Remove a property group

Prior to removing a property group, you must manually disassociate the custom properties from that custom property group. It is a best practice to avoid removing more than one custom property group at a time. If you remove a custom property group, the custom properties within the group are removed.

Perform the following steps to remove an existing property group:


  1. Click Management in the left navigation menu.

    The Manage Your Environment page opens.
  2. Click Property Groups from the Properties card.

    The Property Groups page opens with the existing property groups listed in a tabular format.
  3. Select the check box next to the property group you want to delete and click Remove at the bottom of the page.

    The Delete property group page opens.
  4. Type Yes in the Please Confirm text box and then click Confirm. The Please Confirm text box is case sensitive, so you must enter Yes to activate the Confirm button.


The property group is removed.