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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Upgrading with Helm

Parent article

Use the following procedure to upgrade Lumada Data Catalog to another release.

Upgrade with Helm

Before you begin

Before beginning this procedure, it is a best practice to back up Data Catalog using the steps in Back up and restore. Backing up Data Catalog before an upgrade is helpful so customer data isn't lost in case the upgrade fails, or in case the Helm upgrade affects any local services such as MongoDB, MinIO, or Keycloak.

Once you have successfully installed Data Catalog onto your server, you can leverage the Helm upgrade command under the one of following circumstances:

  • Upgrading to a different version of Data Catalog
  • Applying an updated custom-values.yml file to your current Helm deployment

In this example, a Helm upgrade is done with the following parameters and values:

  • Helm release name: ldc7
  • Namespace: ldc
  • Custom values file: custom-values.yml
  • Helm chart: ldc-7.0.1.tgz

NoteThis is an example only. You should customize your command for your environment as necessary, such as for your version of Data Catalog software.

Use steps similar to the following to upgrade to a different version of Data Catalog or apply an updated .yml file to your Helm deployment:


  1. Execute the helm command similar to the following example to upgrade the chart, specifying the release name, paths to the Helm chart and custom values, and the namespace.

    helm upgrade --wait ldc7 ldc-7.0.1.tgz -f custom-values.yml -n ldc

    NoteThe release name and the namespace must be the same values that were used in the Helm install command.

    Typically, the Helm upgrade takes a few minutes to fully complete. Depending on what was updated, a number of pods on your Kubernetes cluster are recreated.

  2. To view the pods’ status, run the following command:

    kubectl get pods -n ldc
  3. In your web browser, confirm that you can access the Data Catalog login page.

    The URL will vary based on what was set in the custom-values.yml file:
    • If the NodePort configuration was used, the URL will be https://<hostname>:<app-server.service.httpsNodePort>.
    • If the Ingress controller configuration was used, the URL will depend on what was set under app-server.ingress.hosts.