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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Utility jobs

Parent article

You can use the Data Catalog utility tools to update dashboards, and troubleshoot discovery and metadata details. Extended profiling generates resource metadata used for discoveries that reside in the discovery cache. Use the following tools to troubleshoot specific data in the discovery cache for qualifying discovery operations, updating dashboards, and resolving metadata inconsistencies.

CautionBecause these tools may expose specific information from Data Catalog's discovery cache, they are strictly for administrator use and should not be exposed to general users.

Tools only appear in Manage if you have administrator permissions. These utilities are generally used with the LDC Agent component.

  • Maintaining the discovery cache (DiscoveryCacheCompactor)

    Removes unused MapFile directories and merges small MapFile directories. It is a distributed replacement for RepoCacheMaintenance.

  • Run a Data Rationalization job

    Reports details about duplicated and overlapping data. Use this utility to populate the Data Rationalization dashboard.

  • Check lineage (lineage_check)

    Reports details about inferred lineage between child and parent data resources. Use this utility to check if lineage can be discovered.

  • Check tag propagation (tag_check)

    Reports details for tag association suggestions between specific resource field(s) and any tag in question. Use this utility to determine why a tag was not propagated.

  • Utils

    You can perform the following actions on CSV files:

  • Utils Yarn

    You can perform the following actions with Utils Yarn:

The output size from some of these utilities may be large. As a best practice, you should redirect the console output to a temporary file.

CautionThese utilities may expose actual data in their output. For example, some of these utilities expose actual top K values without masking them. Use caution to make sure your data is not exposed beyond its intended audience.

Open and run a utility tool

Perform the following steps to access and run a Data Catalog utilities tool.


  1. Navigate to Manage, then click Tools.

    The Tools page opens.

    Tools dialog box

    NoteTools only appears in Manage if you have administrator permissions.
  2. From the Tools panel on the left, select the utility tool you want to use.

    The dialog box updates with the tool you selected.
  3. Enter the utility parameters you want to set to your specific values in the Command line text box.

  4. Click Submit job.


The submitted job is executed per the command and parameters you specified.

Maintaining the discovery cache

As a best practice, you should maintain the discovery cache by removing unused MapFile directories and merging small MapFile directories. The Data Catalog discovery cache is a repository containing large properties of entities generated during profiling and tag propagation. Large properties are used in tag propagation, lineage discovery, and in some instances regular expression evaluation.

The location and content of the discovery cache are controlled by two properties in the configuration.json file:

  • ldc.metadata.hdfs.large_properties.uri

    Defines the URI of the discovery cache metadata files. Its default value is hdfs://<host>:8020.

  • ldc.metadata.hdfs.large_properties.path

    Defines the location relative to the discovery cache URI of the discovery cache metadata store. Its default value is /user/ldcuser/.ldc_hdfs_metadata.

You should change the URI and location to fit your environment, and both should be accessible by the user running jobs.

ImportantThe properties above must be adjusted during Data Catalog installation. If these properties change after installation, re-run discovery profiling starting with extended profiling.

The large properties of data resources and tag propagation information in the discovery cache are stored in the resource_lp and tag_lp directories.

ImportantDo not manually remove the resource_lp and tag_lp directories.

To view the metadata for tag and large properties, enter the following command:

$ hdfs dfs -ls /user/ldcuser/.ldc_hdfs_metadata/

The output is similar to the following example:

$ hdfs dfs -ls /user/ldcuser/.ldc_hdfs_metadata/
Found 3 items
drwxr-xr-x  - ldcuser ldcuser    0 2021-09-28 05:25 /user/ldcuser/.ldc_hdfs_metadata/Built-in_Tags
drwxr-xr-x  - ldcuser ldcuser    0 2021-09-28 05:45 /user/ldcuser/.ldc_hdfs_metadata/resource_lp
drwxr-xr-x  - ldcuser ldcuser    0 2021-09-28 05:45 /user/ldcuser/.ldc_hdfs_metadata/tag_lp

Each directory contains the map files with generated unique names.

NoteWhen you install Data Catalog for the first time, you should use the following command to manually clean out these directories so you can start with an empty repository:

$ hdfs dfs -rm -R /user/ldcuser/.ldc_hdfs_metadata

Compression is controlled by configuration parameters, as shown in the following examples:

  • ldc.metadata.discovery.cache.unreferenced

        "value": 50.0, 
        "type": "FLOAT", 
        "restartRequired": false, 
        "readOnly": false, 
        "description": "if below this percentage, the objects from mapfile will be relocated during discovery cache compacton (DiscoveryCacheCompactor).",             
        "label": "percent of discovery cache unreferenced objects in one mapfile", 
        "category": "DISCOVERY", 
        "defaultValue": 50.0, 
        "visible": false 
  • ldc.discovery.cache.objects.min

    "ldc.discovery.cache.objects.min": { 
        "value": 50
        "type": "INTEGER", 
        "restartRequired": false, 
        "readOnly": false, 
        "description": "If below this number, the
          object from MapFile will be relocated during discovery cache
        "label": "Minimum number of objects in
          discovery cache MapFile", 
        "category": "DISCOVERY", 
        "defaultValue": 50, 
        "visible": false 

Compress the discovery cache

Perform the following steps to use the cache compactor to remove unused MapFile directories and to merge small MapFile directories.
NoteAs a best practice, configure at least 8GB each of driver-memory and executor-memory for the cache compactor.


  1. Navigate to Tools under Manage, then click Cache Compactor.

    The Cache Compactor page opens.
  2. Enter the following parameters you want to specify in the Command line text box, referencing the following command syntax examples:

    • Syntax example 1

      -numPartitions 4 -remove true -compact true -agent {agentname}

    • Syntax example 2

      – agent {agentName}

    • -agent

      Agent name.

    • -compact

      (Optional) If set to true, small or partially referenced discovery cache map file directories are merged according to ldc.metadata.discovery.cache.unreferenced and ldc.discovery.cache.objects.min configurations. If set to false, the directories are reported, not merged. The default value is true.

    • -remove

      (Optional) If set to true, unreferenced discovery cache files are removed. If set to false, unreferenced discovery cache files are reported, not removed.

    • -numPartitions

      (Optional) Number of partitions. The default value is 10.

  3. Click Submit job.


The submitted job is executed per the parameters you specified.

Run a Data Rationalization job

You must run a Data Rationalization job to gather all the necessary information for populating the Data Rationalization dashboard. Resources are analyzed by their overlap ratio, which is the amount of overlap divided by the cardinality. Data resources with an overlap ratio of 1.0 means the resources are a 100 percent match.

Before you run a Data Rationalization job, you must first run the applicable profile, discovery, and lineage jobs on your data. Also, allocate at least 6 GB of memory for the executors and driver for this job.

Perform the following steps to run a Data Rationalization job:


  1. Navigate to Tools under Manage, then click Data Rationalization.

  2. Add any of the following parameters and values to the Command line text box according to your requirements.

    NoteAll parameters are optional. If a value is not specified, the default value is used.
    -firstDataSourceSpecifies the first data source to use for overlap analysis. If not defined, all data sources are analyzed.
    -secondDataSourceSpecifies the second data source to use for overlap analysis. If the second data source is not defined, all data sources are analyzed.
    -incrementalSpecifies whether to perform incremental analysis. Set to true to perform overlap analysis for data sources only if the analysis has not been done before or requires an update. Set to false to redo the overlap analysis.

    The default is true.

    -reprocessSpecifies whether to reprocess data resources. Set to true to perform overlap analysis for data resources that have been processed. Set to false to perform overlap analysis only for resources that were re-profiled after the last analysis. The -incremental parameter must be set to false for this parameter to be active.

    The default is false.

    -fth_copySpecifies the amount of overlap ratio when assessing a field as a copy. The formula is (1.0 - cardinality ratio < -fth_copy value).

    The default is 0.1.

    -fth_overlapSpecifies the precision to cut off accidental field overlaps. The file is considered an overlap if both the source and target overlap ratios are greater than this value.

    The default is 0.2..

    -rth_copySpecifies the amount of precision required to detect if resources are copies. Resources are assessed as copies if the ratio of the matching fields in the compared resources is less than this value.

    The default is 0.1.

    -rth_overlapSpecifies the precision in overlap relationships needed to cut off accidental resource overlaps. Overlap relationships are denoted between resource1 and resource2 only if max([resource1 overlapped fields count]/[resource1 fields count], [resource2 overlapped fields count]/[resource2 fields count]) > [this value].

    The default is 0.32.

    -same_semanticsSpecifies whether to perform semantic analysis. Set to true to perform overlap analysis for a pair of source and target fields that have the same internally discovered semantics attributes, such as temporal, free text, numeric, or strings. To extend the scope of fields compared for overlap analysis, set this value to false. Setting this value to false may increase the accuracy of your overlap analysis, but also may cause a decrease in performance.

    The default is true.

    -exclude_field_listSpecifies a list of field names to exclude from overlap analysis.
  3. Click Save.


The job runs and displays on the Job Activity page.

Next steps

Check lineage

You can use the lineage check utility tool to understand why resources are not being discovered as lineage relationships and to help tune Data Catalog's lineage discovery process to make sure it finds applicable lineage relationships.

Perform the following steps to report the suitability of two resources as candidates for a lineage relationship:


  1. Navigate to Tools under Manage, then click Lineage Check.

    The Lineage Check page displays.
  2. Enter the following parameters you want to specify in the Command line text box:

    • -agent

      Agent name.

    • -parentVirtualFolder

      Name of the parent virtual folder.

    • -parentDataResource

      A fully qualified path to parent data resource.

    • -childVirtualFolder

      Name of child virtual folder.

    • -childDataResource

      A fully qualified path to child data resource.

    • -validation

      (Optional) If set to true, the significance of parent-child relationship is validated using modification timestamps for HDFS and HIVE data resources. The default value is true.

  3. Click Submit job.


The submitted job is executed for each of the parameters you specified.
The following blocks of code are examples of setting the lineage check parameters in the Command line text box:
  • Example 1

    This example shows the parameters set to check lineage for the /user/demo/raw/rest_insp/restaurants_nyc.csv data resource and its child data resource /user/demo/pub/classified/blended_violations.csv:

    -parentVirtualFolder MySource
    -parentDataResource /user/demo/raw/rest_insp/restaurants_nyc.csv
    -childVirtualFolder MySource
    -childDataResource /user/demo/pub/classified/blended_violations.csv
  • Example 2

    This example shows the parameters set to check lineage for the /default.table1 data resource and its child data resource /default.table1_vw:

    -parentVirtualFolder MyHIVE
    -parentDataResource /default.table1
    -childVirtualFolder MyHIVE
    -childDataResource /default.table1_vw

Check tag propagation

You can use the details of tag association suggestions for specific resource field(s) and any tag in question to understand why the tag was or was not propagated.

Perform the following steps to report on tag association suggestions:


  1. Navigate to Tools under Manage, then click Tag Check.

    The Tag Check page displays.
  2. Enter the following parameters you want to specify in the Command line text box:

    • -agent

      Agent name.

    • -virtualFolder

      Virtual folder name.

    • -dataResource

      A fully qualified path to data resource.

    • -domain

      Tag domain name to which the tag belongs. You may use the shortcut -domain p for the Built-in_Tags domain.

    • -tag

      Tag name for which propagation is being checked.

    • -field

      (Optional) Full path to field. If this parameter is not set, all fields are checked.

  3. Click Submit job.


The submitted job is executed for each of the parameters you specified.
The following example shows parameters entered in the Command line text box that check the tag propagation in the /user/wlddev/data/src/regex_all.csv data resource:
-virtualFolder MyHDFS 
-dataResource /user/ldcuser/lineage/filter/superset/parent/filter_superset_parent.csv 
-domain Built-in_Tags -tag Country -field Country -agent LocalAgent

Examine data resource origins

The origin is where a data set comes into the cluster. The origin of a data set is usually a specific resource, such as the data source or the virtual folder. In Data Catalog, origin information propagates across lineage relationships. Origins of any resource are data sources directly related to that resource (belongs to) or indirectly related through imported, inferred, or manually created lineages (factual).

You can use the OriginPropagation utility tool to examine origins in the single resource view.

Perform the following steps to investigate origin propagations across lineage relationships:


  1. Navigate to Tools under Manage, then click Utils.

    The Utils page opens.
  2. Enter the following parameters you want to specify into the Command line text box, referencing the following command syntax examples:

    • Example Syntax 1

      -driver com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.origin.OriginPropagation -mode inferred -agent LocalAgent

    • Example Syntax 2

      -driver com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.origin.OriginPropagation -mode factual -agent LocalAgent

    • -agent

      Agent name. This parameter is only required if multiple agents are registered.

    • -driver

      The driver of the utility. For origin propagation, set -driver to com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.origin.OriginPropagation.

    • -mode

      The type of origin. Specify one of the following options to propagate the selected type of origin:

      • inferred

        Include only origins through inferred (accepted and suggested) lineages.

      • imported

        Include only origins through factual imported lineages.

      • all

        (default) Include origins through all lineages (inferred and imported).

  3. Click Submit job.


The submitted job is executed according to the parameters you specified.

Lineage export and import

You can export lineages discovered by Data Catalog and import user-defined lineages with the lineage export and import utility. You can also use the utility to delete lineages that were exported as a CSV file with the ExportLineage action.

The lineage relationships, both resource level and field level, are exported in the CSV format in a pre-defined structure. Lineage import also requires the user-defined lineages to be submitted only in this pre-defined format. Lineage export and imports are based on lineage targets, not sources.

When limiting lineage export to a specific virtual folder or path, all lineages are exported to defined targets in the virtual folder or path.

Export-import CSV structure

Data Catalog exports lineages in a pre-defined fixed format. The following table describes the columns of this fixed format:

Col#Col NameDefault ValueDescription
Aexternal_idsystem generated(Required) Unique ID of the entity represented by CSV line, operation, or operation execution
Bexternal_source_name"LDC"Name of the external source. Use LDC for lineages created manually in Data Catalog.
Ctarget_data_source_name""Name of the target data source
Dtarget_resource_path""Target data resource path
Glineage_exec_type""Lineage operation level (options: lineage_exec_type_resource, lineage_exec_type_field)
Htarget_resource_field""Target field
Iresource_lineage_reference""GUID for the Operation execution entity GUID
Jprincipal""Principal or lineage creator as group:user
Ksource_data_source_name""Source data source name
Lsource_resource_path""Source data resource path
Msource_resource_field""Source field
Nlineage_state""Lineage state (options: ACCEPTED, REJECTED, SUGGESTED, IMPORTED)
Odescription""Lineage description
Pcode""Transformation code
Qoperation_reference""GUID for the Operation entity
Roperation_type"operation_execution"Lineage entity type (options: operation, operation_execution). The default value is operation_execution.

For every lineage you export, the details for the lineage operation include the operation execution details, as shown in the following example:

Lineage operation details

NoteThe format is removed in the display to highlight the relevant lineage operation and operation execution in the details.

The following sample is a portion of the CSV file exported from the example above:

CSV export example

The following details apply to the selected sample of the CSV export:

  • Row 75: Identifies the lineage and shows it was REJECTED.
  • Row 76: Lists all the information in the DETAILS panel for the lineage. It identifies lineage type, kind, status, description, and code.
  • Rows 77 – 94: Lists the field level lineage details for the selected lineage operation. The Code column (Col P) identifies the source field to target field mapping found in the View Mapping or Code section under the DETAILS tab.

The operation_reference values (Column Q in this example) for all rows following the lineage identifier row (Row 75 per this example) are the same and represent the external_id of the lineage operation.

The following lineage types can occur:

  • Inferred

    Primary lineage discovered by Data Catalog. The AI engine identifies one primary lineage based on proprietary algorithms.

  • Inferred alternative

    Lineage discovered by Data Catalog. If more than one source is a candidate for primary lineage, the AI engine marks these inferred lineages as Inferred_alternative.

  • Factual

    Any lineage added manually.

  • Imported

    Any lineage imported from third-party applications such as Atlas or Navigator.


    HDFS to HIVE lineage identified as part of schema discovery.

Export a lineage

Perform the following steps to export lineages:


  1. Navigate to Tools under Manage, then click Utils.

    The Utils page opens.
  2. Enter the following parameters you want to specify into the Command line text box:

    • -agent

      Agent name. This parameter is only required if multiple agents are registered.

    • -driver

      The driver of the utility. For origin propagation, set -driver to com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.lineage.ExportLineage.

    • -file

      A name string for the CSV file, which will be generated with the export action.

    • -virtualFolder

      (Optional) Limit the lineage export to this virtual folder. If this parameter is not set, all lineages in the data lake are exported.

    • -path

      (Optional) Limit the lineage export to this path.

    • -separator

      (Optional) Separators used in the exported CSV file. The default value is ','.

  3. Click Submit job.


The submitted job is executed according to the parameters you specified.
As an example, the following sample command was entered into the Utils page to export lineages:
-driver com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.lineage.ExportLineage
-agent localAgent
-file /home/ldcuser/lineage-utility/Exported-lineage.csv

The output of the above command displays heartbeat style messages for every 50 lineages processed, and identifies the total number of lineages processed, as in the following sample:

INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:24:06,563 |  | Main [main]  - Starting Lumada Data Catalog 2019.3 Build:420 Patch:undefined with Oracle Corporation Java, Version 1.8.0_112 from /usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_112/jre, Locale en_US
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:24:06,564 |  | Main [main]  - Arguments [-action, utils, -driver, com.hitachivantara.lineage.ExportLineage, -file, /home/ldcuser/lineage-utility/Exported-lineage.csv]
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:24:06,583 | utils | ClientConfigurationLoader [main]  - In loadConfig Loading configuration from file: meta-client-configuration.json
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:24:06,660 | utils | MetadataClientServicefactory [main]  - Preparing metadataclient
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:24:06,713 | utils | Main [main]  - Calling com.hitachivantara.lineage.ExportLineage with options {action=utils, file=/home/ldcuser/lineage-utility/Exported-lineage.csv, COMMAND=/opt/ldc/agent/bin/ldc utils -virtualFolder null -path null}.
WARN  | 2020-04-10 02:24:06,719 | utils | LockManager [main]  - Zookeeper based locking is disabled. Jobs should not be run concurrently
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:24:06,719 | utils | ExportLineage [main]  - Getting metadata client instance.
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:24:06,719 | utils | MetadataClientServicefactory [main]  - Preparing metadataclient
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:24:06,719 | utils | ExportLineage [main]  - Utility parameters validated.
Virtual folder: [null]
Path: [null]
File: [/home/ldcuser/lineage-utility/Exported-lineage.csv]
Field delimiter: [,]
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:24:06,719 | utils | ExportLineage [main]  - Starting to export lineage information.
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:24:06,719 | utils | ExportLineage [main]  - Fetching all lineages.
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:24:38,127 | utils | ExportLineage [main]  - Successfully processed 50 lineages so far...
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:25:12,254 | utils | ExportLineage [main]  - Successfully processed 100 lineages so far...
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:25:40,729 | utils | ExportLineage [main]  - Successfully processed 150 lineages so far...
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:25:55,552 | utils | ExportLineage [main]  -

        Finish lineage export. 189 lineages were successfully exported to file /home/ldcuser/lineage-utility/Exported-lineage.csv. Encounter 0 errors
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:25:55,554 | utils | ExportLineage [main]  -

        Elapsed time = PT1M48.832S
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:25:55,554 | utils | ExportLineage [main]  - Successfully exported all lineages.
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:25:55,554 | utils | Main [main]  - Elapsed time PT1M49.53S
INFO  | 2020-04-10 02:25:55,554 | utils | Main [main]  -

Import a lineage

Perform the following steps to import lineages:


  1. Navigate to Tools under Manage, then click Utils.

    The Utils page opens.
  2. Enter the following parameters for com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.lineage.ImportLineage in the Command line text box:

    • -agent

      Agent name. This parameter is only required if multiple agents are registered.

    • -driver

      The driver of the utility. For origin propagation, set -driver to com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.lineage.ImportLineage.

    • -file

      (Required) The path to the CSV file that will be imported.

    • -separator

      (Optional) Separators used in the CSV file, except for the pipe character (‘|’). The default value is ','.

    • -replaceConfig

      (Optional) CSV file with configured replacements. You can use the configuration file to make replacements to the lineages during the import process. See Replacing lineages during import for details.

    • -undo

      (Optional) When set to true, all defined lineages are removed in the import file specified. The default value is false.

  3. Click Submit job.


The submitted job is executed according to the parameters you specified.
NoteS-Fit and T-Fit values under View Field Mapping are not available for imported lineages. Because of the nature of this user-established mapping, Data Catalog’s engine is unable to restore these values from the imported CSV.

Next steps

See Lineage best practices for best practices for updating existing lineages.

Lineage best practices

You should adhere to the following best practices when updating existing lineages in Data Catalog.

  • You can update existing lineages by exporting them to a CSV file, curating the lineages in the CSV file, then importing the transformed lineages back into Data Catalog.
  • When updating lineages, do not manipulate the external_id, lineage_exec_type, resource_lineage_reference or operation_reference fields. Errors occur when any of these fields are modified.
    • The external_ids are generated by Data Catalog and are unique to the system.
    • The lineage_exec_type field identifies resource lineage versus field lineage.
    • The resource_lineage_reference and operation_reference fields depend on the external_id field.
  • The principal, description, and code fields are descriptive. No validations are performed on the content of these fields while importing lineages.
  • The lineage_type and lineage_kind fields are also considered descriptive when importing lineages. No validations are performed on the user updates to these fields.
  • Validations are performed on any changes to the target_data_source_name field, the source_data_source_name field, the target path, the target field, the resource path, the resource field, and the lineage_state. Changes to resource names as part of path name changes are not supported.
  • Data Catalog does not offer field curation.

Removing lineages

You can also use the export-import lineage utility to remove lineages from Data Catalog. When the undo option of the ImportLineage action is set to true, it removes all lineages specified in the import CSV file, as shown in the following example command:

-driver com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.lineage.ImportLineage -file ~ldcuser/Exported-Lineage/export_apr2020.csv -undo true

Replacing lineages during import

You can use the Replace-config file to make replacements to lineages during the import process. Use the optional parameter -replaceConfig to use the file to make replacements to the lineages when importing the CSV lineages. See Import a lineage for the command syntax.

For example, in the environment where the CSV lineages are imported, the paths to specific resources are different. One option is to manually edit the CSV lineage file to alter any or every occurrence of the specified resource. In another example, where mapping an account field of one resource to the record field of another resource downstream, a resource may be more applicable according to business logic than mapping it to the account field in that resource. You can search and make those changes in the CSV lineage file.

The Replace-config file automates these replacements in run-time when the import command is triggered. The Replace-config file is a CSV file with the following comma-separated (",") fields:

ColumnColumn NameDescription
Afield name from CSV header(Required) Name of the field being replaced (from the CSV header).
Bvalue to be replaced(Required) Value to be replaced.
Cnew value (replacement)(Optional) Replacement value. The value is empty if it is not defined.
Dreplacement strategy

(Optional) One of the four following values:

  • ALL: Replace entire matching field value (default value).
  • START: Replace matching value at the beginning of the field.
  • END: Replace matching value at the end of the field.
  • OCCURRENCE: Replace first occurrence of the matching value.

The following sample is an example Replace-config file:


Correct frequency

You should configure data resources for precise calculation. Profiling results are approximate for large resources with very high cardinalities (configurable tipping point).

NoteWhen changing defaults for command line parameters, precise calculations can be time-consuming for fields with high cardinalities.

Perform the following steps to modify the frequency of precise calculations:


  1. Navigate to Tools under Manage, then click Utils Yarn.

    The Utils Yarn page opens.
  2. Enter the following parameters you want to specify in the Command line text box:

    • -agent

      Agent name. This parameter is only required if multiple agents are registered.

    • -driver

      The driver of the utility. For origin propagation, set -driver to com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.cli.MostFrequentCounter.

    • -virtualFolder

      (Optional) Data resources from this virtual folder. If this parameter is not set, all applicable data resources from the repository are used.

    • -path

      (Optional) Profiling path (resource specific filter). By default, the entire virtual folder is used.

    • -min_card

      (Optional) Minimum reported cardinality to recalculate the most frequent distribution for the fields. The default value is 500000.

    • -min_topk_count

      (Optional) Minimum most frequent reported count to recalculate the most frequent distribution for the fields. The default value is 16.

    • -calc_card

      (Optional) If set to true, recalculate the precise cardinality for the fields selected for the most frequent distribution recalculation. The default value is true.

    • -lines_out

      (Optional) Top most frequent values for the old and new exact distribution. The default value is 20.

  3. Click Submit job.


The submitted job is executed using the parameters you specified.

Remove tag field associations

Perform the following steps to remove suggested tag-field associations:


  1. Navigate to Tools under Manage, then click Utils Yarn.

    The Utils Yarn page opens.
  2. Enter the following parameters you want to specify in the Command line text box, referencing the following command syntax examples:

    • Example Syntax 1

      -driver com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.cli.bucket.TFARemover -domain Built-in_Tags sfa true -agent LocalAgent

    • Example Syntax 2

      -driver com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.cli.bucket.TFARemover -domain Built-in_Tags sfa false -agent LocalAgent

    • Example Syntax 3

      -driver com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.cli.bucket.TFARemover -domain Custom_domain sfa true -agent LocalAgent

    • Example Syntax 4

      -driver com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.cli.bucket.TFARemover -domain Custom_domain sfa false-agent LocalAgent

    • Example Syntax 5

      -driver com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.cli.bucket.TFARemover -domain Built-in_Tags -agent LocalAgent

    • -agent

      Agent name. This parameter is only required if multiple agents are registered.

    • -driver

      The driver of the utility. For origin propagation, set -driver to com.hitachivantara.datacatalog.cli.bucket.TFARemover.

    • -domain

      Tag domain name.

    • -tag

      (Optional) Tag name. Removes all suggested tag associations for this tag. If the domain is manually created, Data Catalog removes suggested tag associations. If the tag name is not defined, all suggested tags from the domain are removed.

  3. Click Submit job.


The submitted job is executed using the parameters you specified.