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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Strategies for failover

Parent article

As a best practice, configure Data Catalog and Solr so that you can recover quickly in case of a server failure.

To improve the probability of a quick recovery, implement Solr and Data Catalog as follows:

  • SolrCloud

    Set up SolrCloud with at least three ZooKeeper nodes in the ensemble (cluster) and at least two Solr servers controlled by ZooKeeper. If a Solr server fails, then ZooKeeper manages routing requests to the active replica. ZooKeeper handles its own failover.

  • Data Catalog

    Install Data Catalog in two locations, with only one web server active at a time. If the primary Data Catalog node fails, you can start Data Catalog on the secondary node. You should configure the secondary node to access the same Solr repository as the primary node, and the web server should be accessible at the same URL.