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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Migration utility

Parent article

The Lumada Data Catalog's migration utility functions like a data model mapper that you can use to export and import the following items:

  • In environments with different data mappings, you can export or import the basic definitions of Data Catalog assets or the data model.
  • In environments with matched data mappings, you can export or import most of the asset metadata.
NoteAlthough exporting metadata does not have any sequence restrictions, importing metadata requires a specific import sequence due to internal dependencies. These dependencies are described in Metadata files.

The following metadata can be exported and imported:

Migration utility role-based access

The migration utility checks file-level access and role permissions when exporting or importing metadata. For the export utility to work as intended, the user that is defined in the configuration file requires the following permissions and access:

  • For exporting metadata

    • Read access to the data for the resources being exported
    • View access for assets to be exported, for example:
      • Manage Datasets permission to export a dataset
      • View Tag Domain permission to export the tag domain
  • For importing metadata

    • View Tag Domain permission for the domain into which tags are being imported
    • Manage permissions for Data Catalog assets to be imported, for example:
      • Manage Tag Domain permission to import the tag domain
      • Manage Tags permission to import tags

Export metadata

You can export metadata from Data Catalog version 6.0 and later and save the metadata in CSV format. The export utility is part of the ldc-tools-x.x.x.jar file. A typical workflow to export metadata is similar to the following steps:


  1. From the command prompt, navigate to the location of the LDC Application Server installation, which is typically /opt/ldc/app-server.

  2. Run the following command to encrypt the password of the user that is exporting the data, which should be the same user that is specified in the file.

    1. Make sure that the user running the utility has execute permissions for the encrypt command.

    2. Enter the following command:

      <APP-SERVER-HOME>$ bin/ldc-util encryptThe utility prompts for the password.
    3. Enter the text password to be encrypted.

      APP-SERVER-HOME$ bin/ldc-util encrypt 
      NoteUse the entire string as the encrypted password. If your password contains special characters (such as $ or #), enclose the password in single quotation marks. Example: enc(rO0ABXcIAAAMX+AYIVOACAAB4cAAAABBEE7Z8Cn8miwpTRz7IgD35cHQAFEFFUy9FQ0IvUEtDUzVQYWRkaW5n)
      APP-SERVER-HOME$ bin/ldc-util encrypt 
      Enter text:<'ldc$LinData'>
  3. Edit the APP-SERVER-HOME/contrib/ file and update the following fields to reflect your environment values:

    #modify this configuration to match to your environment.
     url=<Data Catalog URL> (e.g. http://<hostname>:8082/api/v2) 
     user=<Data Catalog Administrator username> (e.g. ldcuser) 
     #pl encrypt password using Data Catalog command encrypt on command line and put it
     password=<Data Catalog Administrator Encrypted Password obtained using the encrypt 
      command in ldc-util script> 
  4. Save and exit.

  5. Make sure you are in the LDC Application Server installation directory.

  6. Run one of the following export commands, providing the path to the newly exported metadata file (for example, /opt/ldc/to_import/):

    • For HTTP

      <APP-SERVER-HOME>$ java -cp contrib/ldc-tools-6.0.1.jar:/opt/ldc/app-server/conf/ \ 
                              -c contrib/ \
                              -fp <name prefix string for saved exports> \ 
                              -a export \
                              -S -T 60
    • For HTTPS

      <APP-SERVER-HOME>$ java<Path to Java key store file> \
                              -cp contrib/ldc-tools-6.0.1.jar:/opt/ldc/app-server/conf/ \ 
                              -c contrib/ \
                              -fp <name prefix string for saved exports> \ 
                              -a export \
                              -S -T 60
    -fp <name prefix string>File prefix. The string passed in this parameter is used as the prefix for all the files exported using the export tool. (Required)
    -cConfiguration file location. Path to the file used by the migration tool. (Required)
    -aAction. Specify export or import. (Required)
    -SSuggested association. All suggested tag associations are included in exported CSV files.

    -T <value> is an option for -S that divides suggested associations based on tag association weight for increased accuracy.


    -S -T 60 means suggested associations with > 60% confidence are included. If you omit -S and -T, it means only accepted associations are included in the exported CSV file.

    NoteThe parameter -T is only valid in the context of -S, so if you provide -T without -S, an error occurs.

    The utility prompts for a choice to export different entities as shown in the following sample output:

    $ log4j:WARN No such property [datePattern] in org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender.
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:46:14,362 | KeyStoreManager [main]  - KeyStore file path : /opt/ldc/app-server/jetty-distribution-9.4.18.v20190429/ldc-base/etc/keystore
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:46:14,401 | KeyStoreUtility [main]  - Loading the existing keystore...
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:46:14,913 | Utils [main]  - File name is contrib/60xExport
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:46:14,913 | Utils [main]  - Server is
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:46:14,913 | Utils [main]  - User is sam_admin
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:46:14,914 | Utils [main]  - Action is export
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:46:14,914 | Utils [main]  - Source mapping is false
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:46:14,927 | Utils [main]  - Suggested Tags is not set
      Choose from the options below:
        1) Export Sources
        2) Export Folders
        3) Export Domains
        4) Export Roles
        5) Export Users
        6) Export Tags
        7) Export Associations
        8) Export Datasets
        9) Export Custom Properties
       10) Export Data Objects
       11) Export Comments/Description
       12) Export All the above
      For multiple options give comma separated values. e.x. 1,4,6
      Enter input[12]: 3,6,7,9,11
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:47:28,434 | Export [main]  - Exporting domains...
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:47:31,407 | Export [main]  - Number of domains exported 10 in PT2.971S
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:47:31,407 | Export [main]  - Exporting tags...
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:47:31,842 | Export [main]  - Number of tags exported 112 in PT0.435S
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:47:31,842 | Export [main]  - Exporting associations...
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:47:32,265 | Export [main]  - Fetched 0 associations for Built-in_Tags:3-Letter_Country_Code
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:47:32,414 | Export [main]  - Fetched 0 associations for Built-in_Tags:Country
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:47:32,617 | Export [main]  - Fetched 1 associations for Built-in_Tags:Email
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:47:33,864 | Export [main]  - Fetched 6 associations for Built-in_Tags:First_Name
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:47:34,576 | Export [main]  - Fetched 0 associations for Built-in_Tags:Global_City
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:47:34,619 | Export [main]  - Fetched 0 associations for Built-in_Tags:IP_Address
      INFO  | 2020-04-05 20:47:35,005 | Export [main]  - Fetched 5 associations for Built-in_Tags:Last_Name
  7. Enter the number(s) corresponding to the items you want to export. You can provide multiple options as a comma-separated series of choices, as shown in the previous sample output.


The entities are exported to a file in CSV format with the following file name convention:

For example:


Import metadata

You can import metadata that has been saved in the pre-defined Data Catalog CSV file format. See the Metadata files section for details.

To import users, roles, data sources, tag associations, and user reviews, you must maintain import-export compatibility:

  • Use only the CSV metadata files that were exported earlier from Data Catalog.
  • Use the same version of the Migration utility that was used for exporting the metadata files.

The import utility is part of the ldc-tools-xxxx.x.jar file and a typical workflow to import metadata is similar to the following steps:


  1. From the command prompt, navigate to the LDC Application Server installation directory, typically /opt/ldc/app-server.

  2. Run the following command to encrypt the password of the Data Catalog Administrator:

    1. Make sure that the user running the utility has execute permissions for the encrypt command.

    2. Enter the following command:

      <APP-SERVER-HOME>$ bin/ldc-util encryptThe utility prompts for the password.
    3. Enter the text password to be encrypted.

      <APP-SERVER-HOME>$ bin/ldc-util encrypt
      Enter text:

      Use the entire string enc(rO0ABXcIAAAMX+AYIVOACAAB4cAAAABBEE7Z8Cn8miwpTRz7IgD35cHQAFEFFUy9FQ0IvUEtDUzVQYWRkaW5n) as the encrypted password.

      If your password contains special characters (such as $ or #), enclose the password in single quotes.

      APP-SERVER-HOME$ bin/ldc-util encrypt 
      Enter text:<'ldc$LinData'>
  3. Edit the APP-SERVER-HOME/contrib/ file and update the following fields to reflect your environment values:

    #modify this configuration to match to your environment.
    url=<Data Catalog URL> (e.g. http://<hostname>:8082/api/v2)
    user=<Data Catalog Administrator username> (e.g. lcduser) 
    #pl encrypt password using Data Catalog command encrypt on command line and put it
    password=<Data Catalog Administrator Encrypted Password obtained using the encrypt 
      command in ldc script>  
  4. Save and exit.

  5. Make sure you are in the LDC Application Server installation directory.

  6. Run one of the following import commands, providing the path to the previously exported metadata file (for example, APP-SERVER-HOME/migration-utility-export/2019-3Export_sources.csv) in the command:

    • For HTTP

      <APP-SERVER-HOME>$ java -cp contrib/ldc-tools-6.0.1.jar:/opt/ldc/app-server/conf/ 
                              -c contrib/ 
                              -fp /home/ldcuser/migration-utility-export/60xExport_sources.csv 
                              -a import
    • For HTTPS

      <APP-SERVER-HOME>$ java<Path to Java key store file> \ 
                              -cp contrib/ldc-tools-6.0.1.jar:/opt/ldc/app-server/conf/ 
                              -c contrib/ 
                              -fp /home/ldcuser/migration-utility-export/60xExport_sources.csv 
                              -a import


The metadata is imported into Data Catalog.

Metadata files

The data is formatted inside the CSV file. Make sure the required tag domains are available in Data Catalog. If not, then import the tag domains first and then import the tags.

Data source

NoteFor the data source import to succeed, the path definitions must match the target environment.

The data source import file should have its columns in the following order:

  1. SourceName
  2. SourceDescription
  3. SourceType
  4. SourcePath
  5. Source_HDFS_URL
  6. Source_HIVE_URL
  7. Source_JDBC_URL
  8. Source_JDBC_USER
  9. Source_JDBC_PASSWD
  10. Source_JDBC_DRIVER

Use the following samples as a guide.

  • Sample JDBC data source import file:

    1. "OracleHR","Corporate Oracle
  • Sample HIVE data source import file:

    1. "demoHive","Claims HIVE database",source_type_hive,"/default",,"jdbc:hive2:// ip-172-31-31
  • Sample HDFS data source import file:

    1. "sfo-airport2","Local HDFS sfo",source_type_hdfs,"/sfo-airport3","hdfs:// ip-172-31-31-141

After importing data sources, make sure to:

  • Create and connect agents.
  • Profile the data before importing any tag associations or data objects.


The columns for the roles metadata import file are in the following order:

  1. RoleName
  2. RoleDescription
  3. RoleAccessLevel
  4. RoleVirtualFolders
  5. RoleDomains
  6. MetadataAccess
  7. DataAccess
  8. MakeDefaultRole
  9. AllowJobExecution

Sample role import file:

1. "Analyst","Analyst Role",Analyst,"[]","[]",”FALSE”, “METADATA”, “FALSE”, “TRUE”
2. "SFOAnalyst","Curates tags and discovers data in the SFO Open Dataset.",Analyst,"[SFOAirpo
   rt]","[Aviation]", ”TRUE”, “NATIVE”, “FALSE”, “TRUE”


Before importing any users, make sure you have imported all custom roles that are assigned to the users.

The columns for the user metadata import file are in the following order:

  4. USER_FAVORITES: Include favorites in an array with each favorite separated with "::".
    1. ReviewSource
    2. ReviewResource
  5. USER_REVIEWS: Include reviews in an array with each review separated with "::".
    1. ReviewSource
    2. ReviewResource
    3. ReviewRating
    4. ReviewTitle
    5. ReviewDescription
  6. USER_ATTRIBUTES: The following attributes are to be passed as a comma-separated list enclosed in '{}'.
    1. firstname
    2. lastname
    3. email
    4. user_last_login [Timestamp]

Sample user import file:

1. "lara_analyst","","[SFOAnalyst]","[]","[]","{firstName=Lara,lastName=Analyst,email=lara@}"
2. "ldcuser","","[Guest]","[]","[]","{TimeStamp}"

Tag domain

The columns for the tag domain metadata import file are in the following order:

  1. DomainName
  2. DomainDescription
  3. DomainColor

Sample domain import file:

1. "Aviation","SFO open data. Air traffic landing and passenger statistics, tail (aircrafts) 
   numbers and models","#50AAE7"
2. "Built-in_Tags","Built-in_Tags","#30BAE7"


Before importing any tags, make sure you have imported the corresponding tag domains.

The columns for the tags metadata import file are in the following order:


Use the following samples as guides.

  • Sample REGEX tag import file

    1. "Built-in_Tags","Email","Email",REGEX,"[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'
  • Sample Value tag import file

    1. "Built-in_Tags","First_Name","First_Name",VALUE,,0.4,0,0,true,true,,,"" 
    2. "Sales","Customers","Tag for Customers",VALUE,,0.6,0,0,true,true,,,""   
    3. "Sales","Location",,VALUE,,0.8,0,0,true,true,,,""   
    4. "Sales","Orders","Tag for Orders",VALUE,,0.0,0,0,true,true,,,""   
    5. "Sales","Regions","Tag for Regions",VALUE,,0.8,0,0,true,true,,,""   
    6. "Sales","Sales","Tag for Sales",VALUE,,0.6,0,0,true,true,,,""  
    7. "Sales","Stores",,VALUE,,0.8,0,0,true,true,,,

You can use the tag name to show hierarchy in tags, using the dot notation for naming the tag as follows:

1. "Sales","Orders.Jan.Week1","Tag for Orders",VALUE,,0.0,0,0,true,true,,,""

The example above identifies a tag Week1 with parent tag Jan and grandparent tag Orders under the Sales domain.

Tag associations

Before importing any tag associations, make sure you have imported the corresponding tags and tag domains.

The columns for the tag associations metadata import file are in the following order:

  1. TagDomain
  2. TagName
  3. DataSourceName
  4. ResourceName
  5. FieldName
  6. TagPropagation: Possible values: SEED or OTHER. SEED is used in Discovery Tags (Marked with dot(.) in front of tag name).
  7. TagAssociationState
  • Sample tag associations import file

    1. "Sales","COGS","HIVE","/foodmart.sales_fact_dec_1998","store_cost",SAMPLE,ACCEPTED
    2. "Global","Customer_Master_GDPR","HIVE","/foodmart.customer","customer_id",OTHER,REJECTED
    3. "Sales","Sales.Sales_location","HDFS","/user/ldcuser/Pass1/raw/nyc_open/r at_sightings_nyc_2014.csv","LOCATION_TYPE",SAMPLE,ACCEPTED   
    4. "Sales","Sales.Sales_location","MySQL","/HR.employee","location",SAMPLE,ACCEPTED</div>


Before importing any reviews, make sure you have imported roles and users.

The columns for the reviews metadata import file are in the following order:

  3. USER_ROLE (enclose roles in array of strings)
  4. USER_FAVORITES: Include favorites in an array, with the following parts of each favorite separated with "::".
    1. Review/Source
    2. Review/Resource
  5. USER_REVIEWS: Include the following parts of a review in an array, with the following parts of each review separated with "::".
    1. Review/Source
    2. Review/Resource
    3. Review/Rating
    4. Review/Title
    5. Review/Description
  6. USER_ATTRIBUTES: Pass the following attributes in comma-separated list enclosed in '{}'.
    1. firstname
    2. lastname
    3. email
    4. user_last_login [Timestamp]

    Use the following sample as a guide.

    • Sample CSV file for user reviews:

      1. ldcuser,Predefined administrator user,"[Administrator]","[]","[MyHIVE::/default.tabl e3::4::Database_review::
      This is one of the nicest database, 
      2. MyHIVE::/default.table3::4::::]","{firstName=LDC, lastName=Service,}"

Field comments or descriptions

The Export Comments/Description option can export the custom field comments, label, and description as a _comments.csv file. file.

The columns of the field comments or descriptions metadata import file are in the following order:

  1. VFName
  2. Resource Path
  3. Field name
  4. Field Label
  5. User Comment

Use the following sample as a guide.

  • Sample comments import file

    DO_Test,/user/EmpSkill_Analytics/Employee.csv,employee_id,EMPID,This is a sample comment to test re-profiling effects of user comments

Virtual folder

The columns for the virtual folder metadata import file are in the following order:

  1. VFName
  2. VFDescription
  3. VFParent
  4. VFPath
  5. VFPInclude
  6. VFPathExclude
  7. VF_IsRoot

Use the following sample as a guide.

  • Sample virtual folder import file

          "foodMartChild","food mart","foodMart","/foodmart",".customer.*",,false

Data objects

Before importing any data objects, make sure you have performed the following tasks:
  • Imported the corresponding data sources and virtual folders
  • Profiled the resources
  • Imported the tag domains, tags, and tag associations

The column sequence in the data object metadata import file is a multi-level nested sequence as follows:

  1. Data Object Name
  2. Description
  3. Join Conditions: Multiple join conditions are separated with ':#;' as in: join_condition1:#;join_condition2:#;join_condition3
    • Where each join condition is constructed with:
      1. left_field_info
      2. right_field_info
      3. join_info

      with each entity in join_condition separated as left_field_info;;right_field_info##join_info

      • Each join_info is built as follows:
        1. Left Column info
        2. Right Column info
        3. Join Cardinality
        4. Join Order
        5. Join Operation

        with each entity in join_info separated as follows:


        • Each column info is built as follows:
          1. Column Origin
          2. Column Data Source Name
          3. Column path
          4. Column resolved name
          5. Column name

          with each entity in col_info separated with a comma (,):


Use the following sample as a guide.

  • Sample data objects import file

    1. ProjectDO,Lara's Projects,HdfsDS::HdfsDS::/data/DocData/Lara/DO/Data/ProjectReq.csv::Proje


The columns for the datasets metadata import file are in the following order:

  1. Dataset Name
  2. Description
  3. ID
  4. Schema Version
  5. Virtual Folder
  6. Path Specifications in the format
    1. Exclude Regex Pattern
    2. Include Regex Pattern
    3. Source Path

      With each entity separated by :: (two colons) and multiple path specifications separated by ;; (two semicolons). For example:

      <Exclude Regex1>::<Include Regex1>::<Source Path1>;;<Exclude Regex2>::<Include Regex2>::<Source Path2>

  7. Fields
  8. Origin

Use the following sample as a guide.

  • Sample dataset import file

    1. Dset1,,Dset1,10,HdfsDS,::.*::/data/data_NYPD;;,,HdfsDS 
    2. EmpDataSet,,EmpDataSet01,10,HdfsDS,::.*::/data/DocData;;,,HdfsDS 
    3. Sample,Sample Description,ID:01,9,DocDataHdfs,.*json::.*csv::/data/DocData/Joe;;.*xml::.*j

Custom properties

The columns for the custom properties metadata import file are in the following order:

  1. Name
  2. Display Name
  3. Data Type
  4. Description
  5. Property Group
  6. Property Group Description
  7. Is property custom property
  8. Access Level, where each join condition is constructed as:
    • pg1 = View: Everyone/Set: Analyst & Higher
    • pg2 = View: Everyone/Set: Steward & Higher
    • pg3 = View: Everyone/Set: Admin Only
    • pg4 = View: Everyone/Set: Nobody
    • pg5 = View: Analyst & Higher/Set: Admin Only
    • pg6 = View: Steward & Higher/Set: Admin Only
    • pg7 = View: Admin Only/Set: Admin Only
  9. Is property case sensitive
  10. Searchable
  11. Facetable

Use the following sample custom property import file as a guide.

1. DataGrp,Data Group,string,Data Group,,,true,pg1,false,true,true 
2. Department,Department,string,,,,true,pg1,false,true,true 
3. test_property,Test Property,string,Test Description,TestGroup,,true,pg7,false,false,true 
4. test_property2,Test Property 2,string,Test Property 2 Description,TestGroup,,true,pg4,fa