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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Intended audience

This document is intended for the following audience:

A seller can have multiple roles, such as Developer, Billing Admin, and Company Admin depending on their responsibilities.

Marketplace Manager
  • Perform the marketplace administration tasks.
  • Manage companies.
  • Create and manage user accounts.
  • Approve and publish the product to the marketplace.
  • Manage the marketplace catalog.
Company Admin
  • Manage users.
  • Assign applications.
  • Edit company settings.

By default, the Company Admin also has the Billing Admin role.

Billing Admin
  • Access the company’s billing information.
  • Manage subscriptions.
  • Create and manage assigned products.
  • Review and submit the product for approval to the Marketplace Manager.
  • Access marketplace products.
  • Try and buy products.

All users are assigned this role by default.

Product teamProvide product image, logo, icons, themes, and architectural diagram of the product that is onboarded to the marketplace.
DevOps teamBuild, deploy, and maintain the product versions in the repository.
Product sales team
  • Identify opportunities, initiate discussions with buyers, and develop leads.
  • Convert leads to customers.
Hitachi Marketplace technical teamProvide the endpoint integration URLs for the products that are onboarded to the marketplace.
Hitachi Marketplace support teamProvide assistance for marketplace related queries.