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Pentaho+ documentation has moved!

The new product documentation portal is here. Check it out now at


Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Get started as a Developer

As a seller with the Developer role, you can add a product to Hitachi Marketplace.

Collect the product details

Obtain the product details before adding the product to Hitachi Marketplace. The product can belong to any of the following categories:

  • An on-premises product, which is not using any cloud or third-party integration.
  • A SaaS product, which is already integrated with the Common Software Services (CSS) platform.
  • A self-hosted product, where the product team is hosting the product in their own environment.

Go through the following checklist before adding the product to Hitachi Marketplace:

ItemWho provides this?What is required?Why is this required?
Product logo, icons, and themesProduct teamImages, related files, or linksTo create a product profile on the marketplace.
Architectural diagram Product teamImage or linksTo understand the product layout and components used.
On-premises product

(Without any cloud or third-party integration)

Product teamProduct image:
  • Uploaded to the Artifactory repository
  • Skytap compatible
To integrate the product with the marketplace.
On-premises product

(Already deployed and with own repository)

Product teamEndpoint URLTo integrate the product with the marketplace.

SaaS product

Product teamEndpoint URLTo integrate the product with the marketplace.

(Optional) Update your profile

You can update your contact information, professional experience, education, and background.


  1. Click your username and click My Profile.

  2. Update the information, and then click Save.

Use the Developer Dashboard

The Developer Dashboard opens by default for users with a Developer role after logging into Hitachi Marketplace. You can also click Manage > Developer to navigate to the Developer Dashboard.

You can perform the following actions in the Developer Dashboard:

  • View the new products and recent product modifications.
  • Edit and delete unpublished products.
  • View and download revenue and orders per week, month, quarter, or year.
  • View the summary of free trials and orders, paid orders, and revenue details.
  • Use the quick links to create a new product, access billing information, view integration events, and view customer information.