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Pentaho+ documentation has moved!

The new product documentation portal is here. Check it out now at


Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Become a seller

Complete the seller form to become eligible to sell or list your products, solutions, or services on the marketplace. The procedure to become a seller is as follows:

Before you begin

Make sure you are a registered user of Hitachi Marketplace. For more information, see Register to Hitachi Marketplace.


  1. From the Home page, click Sell with Us, and then click Get your company started.

    The seller form opens.
  2. Complete the seller form and click Send message.

    A message appears confirming the submission.

    Upon receiving the form, the Hitachi Marketplace support team schedules a workshop to give you an introduction to the marketplace.

  3. Attend the workshop to learn about the marketplace.

    After the workshop, the Hitachi Marketplace support team sends you the terms and conditions for listing your product on the marketplace.

  4. Review and send the signed terms and conditions to the Hitachi Marketplace support team.

    Upon receiving the signed terms and conditions, the Hitachi Marketplace support team checks if the company already exists on the marketplace.

    • If the company is registered, the Hitachi Marketplace support team schedules a session with the seller on how to access and create a product on the marketplace.
    • If the company is not registered, the Hitachi Marketplace support team notifies the Identity Provider (IDP) team to initiate the IDP integration. After the integration is complete, the Hitachi Marketplace support team schedules a session with the seller on how to access and create a product on the marketplace.

    For more information on how to add a product on the marketplace, see Add a product to the marketplace.